Category Archives: Nachrichten – News – Nouvelles

Bericht über die 5. Rassebezogene Europaschau der Taubenrassen aus den Balkanländern / Report of the 5th Breed specific Eurpoean show from the Balkan countries /Rapport sur la 5e exposition européenne de races des pigeons des Balkans

Für mehr Informationen; Schauen Sie sich die Taubenseite an. For more information; Check the pigeons page. Pour plus d’informations; Consultez la page des pigeons.

EE special show in Affligem Beligium 24-26/11 and judgeseminar.

On 24-26/11in Afflingem, Belgium had  the cavy section had a successful EE special with 423 entered cavies. Our best in show was a beautiful abyssiner from Jan Schop and Bertus van Dijk – Holland. 30 individual champions were crowned. During the weekend, a seminar was also held with 44 judges. Many thanks to the organizers […]